
What's your most liked and most disliked language feature (not standard library feature) and why?

  • 1
    Most liked: foreach
    Most disliked: goto

    Bonus points: recursion
  • 8
    I hate how the English language is so imprecise. Like some words have more than one meaning and it creates confusion. What I like is that you can create humor by changing the meaning of things that normally mean one thing and have it mean another thing. So the very feature I hate about the English language is the very feature I enjoy the most.
  • 4
    @Demolishun I got lawyered. Well played sir.
  • 1
    Most liked: absence of BS.
    Most disliked: too much undefined behaviour that the compiler doesn't reliably warn about and that should have been implementation defined instead.
  • 1
    Hate: Implicit complex conversion, the source of most of the contents of the JS memes and one of the reasons I keep as far from PHP as I can.

    Love: Type systems. Well used, they convey a ton of meaning, and they're just great when you need to make big refactors. Bonus point for Rust's type system for also encompassing value lifetimes: no more wondering with this or that reference will still point to meaningful data by the point you use it, and the API provides clearer and more accurate information on the expected behaviour around a reference than any documentation can.
  • 0
    Liked: it's designed to be run anywhere
    disliked: illogical, unintuitive types' interactions, lack of strict typing. Yes yes, its superset does have types, but then the language becomes even more unnatural

    ?Gues which lang is that? :)
  • 1
    @netikras javascript/typescript?
  • 0
    Most liked: goroutines and channels
    most disliked: complete backward compatibility(which lang could it be?)
  • 0
  • 2
    Most liked: strong types
    Most disliked: strong types.

    I love that they force you to behave, but at the same time, you just need a dirty object to get things done.
  • 1
    Liked: operator overloading
    Disliked: var as a keyword
  • 2
    I like and fear #define in C/C++

    So much power, so much abuse.
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