Anyone else have the ritual of searching for curse words in code prior to committing & pushing your changes?

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    I feel like this should be a pre-commit hook in one's global git config.
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    What do you mean search? Aren’t you supposed to have a bunch of cuss words off the top of your head ready to go? I thought that was what being an adult meant.
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    I search my code for snarky comments instead. I usually find plenty, nod in satisfaction, and commit them.
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    @Root Brazen. Nice.
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    Nope.. In fact I always know where I've left them and I make those commits oh so proudly!

    So far all my curses were about Liferay. Whoever is to read them will bod in agreement seeing his/her inevitable near future where he/she adds more curses
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    Once a user asked why the company website prints "JS can suck a thousand dicks.". Since then I make sure to restrict that stuff to primary functionality (so it gets caught) or the debug console (so it doesn't bother anyone)
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    @Lor-inc @mvelebit Snarky comments and swearing are only for other devs, never users. They stay in source and version control.
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    I don't put curse words into code in the first place. I just don't feel the need to. 🤷

    ... additionally there's this legacy project I'm working on and sometimes it feels there's more swearing than code. I'm good, thanks, for the rest of my life actually.
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