Does the perfect codebase exist? Or is it just a myth?

PS. I'm just a new grad with ~3 years of experience, and in my 4th company now.

  • 3
    Define perfect
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    It exists depending on the context. But I think it must be hard to achieve since you have to learn new stuff while trying to create a perfect codebase.
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    If it does exist, it is only possible for a short period of time. Today's perfect code base is tomorrow's legacy code base.
  • 7
    It exists to every dev, but no 2 devs will ever agree it's perfect.
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    @solis by perfect I mean, with reasonable documentation, proper code conventions, at least static code analysis done and comments.
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    @C0D4 😂😂😂 true words my dear sir
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    Perfect is like infinity. You can try to approximate it. But actually reacting it...

    There are sayings like "A perfect fit" that give the illusion of perfection. If a candidate is called a perfect fit it might work out brilliantly but is every single aspect of that person ideal? Don't think so.
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    @beefdead by your definition yes. Wrote one myself for financial integration. No one else touches it that helps 😅
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    Would a commented, documented and tested sample hello world program that only uses standard libraries count as a perfect codebase if the coding conventions are also documented and the whole thing is consistent?
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    Hmm... Didn't Id Software release the source code for Quake 3?
    That one might qualify 😀
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