Yes Forbes. I definitely believe that Deepin is one best glorious Linux. No way China has anything to do with it :3 👍

  • 5
    Deepin is a beautiful DE if you come
    From windows, but I don't trust it either.

    I would love to see a deepin inspired DE on another distro.
  • 5
    @C0D4 Building it from source on a compiler not compiled by the Chinese would "probably" be okay...
  • 1
    @C0D4 why not deepin on another distro?
    It works good on Ubuntu (I've tried once)

    Any enemity with deepin or sth?
  • 0
    @powerfulparadox what if China employes people to work on deepin as individual open source programmers?
  • 3
    One of my friends uses deepin full time. I was naturally very suspicious but I failed to find any "phoning home" with wireshark over a few days so...

    I don't like the looks anyway
  • 2
    Deepin looks great but too extravagant tbh. Good for a while but I couldn't get used to it.
  • 0
    @RememberMe and too RAM hogging too
  • 3
    @gitlog You can audit source code to see if it's doing something shady. If your entire binary toolchain is compromised, not so much, and you can't guarantee binaries directly from Deepin don't have additional telemetry compiled in.
  • 2
    @gitlog I don't think the source code is public for it. Least not obvious from "light googling"
  • 1
    @python3 as far as I can tell, this is the deepin repos

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