seriously I can't understand the logic of visual studio team explorer.
I git bash it all the way.

who's with me ?

  • 2
    Me too, screw guis

    My school is encouraging guis too, crazy shit
  • 1
    Not me, team explorer is actually quite good.
  • 0
    Git was never made to in gui I always use git bash
  • 0

    > You won't learn from using the hotkeys

    - On of my teachers
  • 0
  • 0
    Cli git w/ tig ftw!
  • 1
    @Mr-Kumar windows version have GUI, it’s easier to understand and faster than team explorer in my opinion
  • 0
    cli > gui
  • 1
    What’s not clear in team explorer? I have no issues with it ! Enjoy typing your 1000 characters command lines while I can do 95% of things in less than 4 clicks.
  • 0
    Team explorer. I use it 95 pct of the time. Great for fetch, pull, merge, push, even rebase and squash. I occasionally use the cli when I need to do a git -fxd because git has decided to misbehave and I have fun out of ideas other than to delete my local repository and clone again. I rarely do anything exotic, so the GUI works great for me.
  • 0
    If GUI had basic things like soft and hard reset , and also interactive rebase I would have thought using it's GUI plus it takes more time shifting from keyboard to mouse
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