
>Installs NodeJS (from default Debian repo)
>Tries to install yarn
>Yarn tries to uninstall nodejs

>apt-cache depends yarn
Recommends: nodejs
Conflicts: nodejs

10/10, gave me a good chuckle. Time to add the NodeJS repo.

  • 1
    Better, don't use Debian.
  • 4
    @metamourge mind elaborating on that?

    Debian, so far, was one of the most stable, hassle-free, well documented distros I used, and would like to find out what people don't like about it.

    The issue here was caused by an outdated repo package, incompatible with yarn from an external repo, which is something the debiam maintainers don't guarantee.
  • 4
    @metamourge even better, don't use yarn
  • 0
    It may seem a bit nitpicky, but its a big deal for me.

    1. Systemd
    Fuck how do i hate this shit fuck of an init-system, if one can even call it that.
    Not only is it slow and eats resources like chrome but it pulls in a fuckton of other dependencies, that bloat your system.
    Also, its spreading since Redhat and Debian adopted it, caused plenty of programs to depend on it, so they are unable to run on any proper distro, that doesn't contain this garbage.

    2. DPKG
    This archaic package format can suck my hairy balls.
    I tried for several days, but couldn't find any clear documentation on it.
    If you don't think deb-packages are shit, try building one yourself.
  • 2
    Just use nvm it is soooo pure
  • 0
    @Minion used to, then I had to use wsl and everything went to shit.
    Nodenv however works consistently and everywhere.
  • 0
    For development purposes, use Node Version Manager. Thank me later.

    You can install yarn as a global npm package.

    Nvm for Windows: https://github.com/coreybutler/...

    Nvm for Linux: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm
  • 2
    I'd stay away from Yarn.

    It was fun while it lasted. It happens so often with forked projects, it was great to use because the parent project had issues, but then got leapfrogged by NPM again.
  • 0
    @metamourge agreed that systemd in its current state and direction is cancer, but at least, you still have the option to replace it back with sysvinit. Annoying extra step, sure, but possible. And if an app is depended directly on systemd and refuses to work with sysvinit, then it's the app's problem.

    As far as dpkg... I never really had to create packages, so I can't say.
  • 1
    As far as other suggestions go, I should have been more explicit that, I'm not a dev, only a sysadmin who was installing the package for a client.

    From my point of view, node and its package managers are an entire hellish chapter on its own.
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