Hi everyone, long time no see. Hope you're all doing fine! 💙

Here's an actual rant: I don't know if I chose the right university course, anymore.
I chose "Informatics", but there are so many subjects that aren't even related to Informatics, and still I have to do them because that's how it is. I just wanna do programming, because I like the creative aspect of it.
I'm getting sick of this to be honest... I'm at my second year, now, and I feel like maybe... I should've just studied programming on my own, and seek a job without going through university.
Though, that being said, I may just be temporarily having a bad time. I don't know, ok?

It seemed I did okay, in my first year, I completed 4 exams out of 7, but now I don't know anymore.
The exams for this semester's subjects are coming up in a couple months, and I haven't exactly learned much, y'know...? I couldn't follow most of what the professors said in the lessons, for whatever reason (some professors talk too quietly, some don't explain well, etc.).

What was your experience with university, if you ever went there? Did you find it helpful, or was it a waste of your time?

Thank you for reading. I hope my next post will be more joyful, sorry for being like this. Love you all! 💙

  • 4
    What courses do yo have problems with?
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    I struggled a lot with maths studies, especially while writing master thesis. After all, I appreciate today very much that I fought through it. (I might have preferred to become an athlete or physiotherapist but that's another thing haha)
    I don't know your case. My friend at university converted almost everything from maths into coding. Not sure if you maybe can find time to apply subjects to programming.
    Regarding not following classes, professors unfortunately weren't usually good "teachers" in my career. I found one good tutor, and talked a lot about studies with others. This can help a lot. Also, sometimes it's useful to research topics on your own. While they sometimes don't exactly match the subject they keep you interested and can help to connect the dots.
    Not sure this helps?
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    I think it's important to highlight the difference between computer science and programming as studies and professions
  • 4
    1st semester : coming to almost all classes
    2nd semester : coming to only 50% of the classes
    3rd semester (now) : only come to class once a week.

    Despite all that, I still did all the exams and try to graduate on time (target: 5 semesters)
    I spent my time studying by myself, therefore I still have the time to learn (many) sides of programming that are not covered in class.

    I hate going to class, but I also realize that degree is important.
    My advice is : Stay where you are, even if you only make a bare minimum to graduate.
  • 1
    It sounds very much how I felt in my second semester. The first three semester where pretty hard, and around half of the students dropped out. After that it got a lot easier and also more practical. I majored in physics and work now in IT as DevOps Engineer. I basically apply nothing of what I learned in uni but am still happy with my major. Hope this helps.
  • 2
    Persevere, this is just a mid-study-crisis ... I had it too, most things I learned were by myself not at school
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    I feel the exact same way. For me the hardest part is learning fucking real analysis proofs and lemmas. I just simply cannot learn 50 pages worth of useless information. And yes, it is useless for a programmer and no one can convince me otherwise.
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