Me: I’m gonna make it so the users can access the locations for 30days.
Boss: wtf? U dumb? Do you know how valuable that data is, dont fucking put a limit

Me: *listening 10minutes of him ranting how that’s the stupidest idea he’s heard all day*

Boss:why would you want to do that anyways like wtf?

Me: storage optimization

Boss: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ wtf r u like a idiot or smthng.

My head: nah I’m done, I’m about to roast this guy with my numbers*
Me: every single minute 40k rows of data come in from just ONE☝️ CLIENT.....AND THATS HOW, EVEN IF WE ADD THAT FUCKING 2 YEAR LIMIT WE WOULD BE HOSTING 5 FUCKING PETABYTES OF DATA FOR JUST ONE CLIENT, not including other shits, this is only for heatmaps. And imagine changing all of that database system in the future, that would require going threw so much databases and pages, this ain’t just like changing one number and bam less storage space.

Boss: Ok, add that 2 year limit, later we will sort this out.

My brain: *omg, now that I know these numbers how will I ever fall asleep😦*

  • 4
    This scares me, show us the maths so we can all be afraid...
  • 1
    @Demolishun oof, ok one sec I will need to type all of it out:))
  • 12
    Tell him that there are 15 zeros in a petabyte.
    Then tell him the storage cost for a set of ten zeros. And because he's absolutely abysmal at math, tell him how many zeros there are above that. And remind him that the cost is multiplicative by 10 for every digit thereafter, not additive. And then do the math and tell him how many zeros his checkbook will need. Every year. For every single client.

    Watch him turn white.

    Then say "or, we could limit the timeframes to 30 days. Which will cost 0.0002% of that, or about $5 / year / client. Your call."
  • 4
    I hope this gets dumped into some time series database. Also you need that record, every minute for the full two years? Sounds like there should be some downsampling / data retention going on
  • 1

    i did tell him that this is the same as 1,000,000gb or about the same as 4 k of you're computer ssd's

    And this whole argument was for such a stupid cause, of how long can users view their previous heat maps, like we have 3 API'S that get floated with data, and not including other client's that we will be implementing for very soon. But he understood that those are pretty high numbers in terms of storage sizes, and i bet if i told him the price of hosting that😏. I think he got the point.
  • 0
    @Kimmax EXACTLY, like the con's outweigh the pro's so much!!! WHO WOULD CARE HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE IN A CERTAIN LOCATION 2 YEARS AGO AT 5:30AM! ofcourse they could compare it to today, but like they have a button to export that current data, we are not a storage bank, this is ridiculous.
  • 0
    @Kimmax btw we record data every 30 mins 24/7, but we also record the map that was used in that time period and the 3d model that was used for that time so we could visualise the data.
  • 3
    1 petabyte of s3 storage is >$20K/month. Long term storage is 1/4 of that.
  • 1
    Uhh zeros.
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