We have a BA on my team who isn't technical (which isn't a problem by itself), doesn't know the product, barely understands the agile process and our project management tools, and is generally rude to most people on the project.

She spends most of the day on her phone and occasionally badgering people with inane questions that she could answer if she spent any effort at all.

I don't know who's keeping her employed or why.

  • 4
    Are her knees scuffed? Lol
  • 4
    So here's the thing. I had a similar BA in one of my previous organisations. Now because she doesn't understand shit, I convinced her of an idea that did opposite of what the product is supposed to do. And I ended up coding it, and because I coded per her specifications, she got fired.

    You're welcome :)
  • 2



  • 2
    @A4Abhiraj can't decide and too lazy to make crossover myself. So take this two
  • 0
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