Man is fkg insane ??

  • 20
    The lack of capitalization in that article irritates me
  • 3
    I wonder what the capital be named. Mars City?
  • 8
    @asgs Harambe City
  • 1
    There won't be Mars colonisation. Not now, and even less so in the future.
  • 7
    @asgs ELon-don
  • 0
    Insane 🔥🔥
  • 5
    Sounds about right.
  • 7
    When seeing how insanely fast SpaceX makes progress, I wouldn't even be surprised!
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop Why not in the future? Capitalism will surely find way
  • 5
    @asgs Brand New York!
  • 0
    The guy wants to Nuke Mars to make it more liveable for us, yes he's insane.
  • 2
    @JFK422 You mean "New New York"?

    @Stuxnet Haven't you heard? The new standard is either no capitalisation, or to capitalise every single word. Also, punctuation must not be used.
  • 2
    @Mosesrocks Because we're on declining resources, and that will only become worse over time. The gap between what we could do technologically and what we can afford to actually do in large scale will be ever increasing.

    Also, we already fail to stop marsforming Terra so that there's no reason to believe we could terraform Mars even if we had the technology.
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop ok that's actually a good point. Reading the headline I was thinking that "2 million a pop is probably peanuts for some rich mfs". But then again, we're gonna run out on fossil fuels pretty soon and unless we establish some equilibrium here on earth then it seems that future generations are going to have a bad time.

    I guess the biggest question right now is: to have children or not? Do I really want to fuck them over just by bringing them into this world?
  • 2
    @Mosesrocks Your last paragraph summarise one of the biggest issue of our time. The people that should have children (i.e. those able to educate them correctly) don't, and the others keep reproducing at an alluring rate.
  • 0
    He’s not insane if you compare him to the conspiracy nuts that think we already have manned bases on mars. Those people really moved the bar
  • 0
    Yea.. we should start with the moon.
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