If you want a really awesome overview of Vue
(I got fucking sucked into using it for my current work)

then theres no better starter article than this one:

Really solid material, take a look if you're just getting started.

  • 2
    Just be careful using the older tutorials, lots of changes in the latest release.
  • 0
    @Plasticnova is right, most of the tutorials are for Vue 2.0
  • 0
    I assume smart users start with the older more stable versions. I tend to do this with anything because the most readily available tutorials will be for stable versions of things.
  • 1
    True@Wisecrack true but it's always good to read the changelog. If there are a lot of changes then going to the previous version is kind of pointless
  • 1
    I see Vue, I ++
  • 0
    I need to show this to my colleagues or do a presentation about it, thanks for the pointer.
  • 1
    @Plasticnova this was written for Vue 2.x so it is 100% current. None of this changes in Vue 3.0, which will only be released next year anyway.
  • 0
    @michaelthiessen the particulars in that article have not changed, but 2.0 is not 100% up to date. My statement still stands
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