It's been awhile, for the heads up I'm that good dude applied a job as MIS few months ago, knows a little bit python and the manager finds out, he told me I gotta make a Warehouse Management Software for the company in C# PLUS MIS regular work(server management, user trouble-shooting and stuff).

after I finish my Warehouse Management Software about a week ago, my manager told me which I quote:

"wpf is not enough! we gonna bring it to multi platform like a web interface can be use on employee's phone as barcode reader and do things can be done as wpf can.

aaaaand we need RFID integration for the whole system working with Identity Server on Azure.

AAAAAAND we need it online before Feb 2020."

I guess after C#,
I'm learning typescript and angular now.

oh by the way my position is MIS with MIS salary.
Does this means after all these shits. I can apply as RD my next job right?

  • 1
    Why would you do more work for the same pay? That's a fuck ton of extra responsibility
  • 2
    Yeah, does this guy have dirt on you or something? These are absolutely outrageous requests and timelines. Unless you really enjoy it, I would recommend looking for something new.
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