
Electron is pure cancer.

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    @Jilano they are more of a web page, that runs in a shitty non-native browser full of bloat, than a program indeed
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    @drac94 no, i made a hello world app that consumed more resources than all the software i use for my job together, im pretty sure electron is just crap
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    Well, too badly I don't have the money, time and resources to learn enough languages to build every goddamn service/application cross platform!
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    Despite having build issues when utilising react, I didn't find it too bad. Having said that, it didn't utilise that many resources so I was happy with it. Currently rolled out to 30 users and is a training program with a substantial amount of content and packaged documentation.

    Was ultimately a useful tool to get a cross platform application in a short time frame.

    OTA updates were a plus too
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    I am planning to learn electron
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    @Jilano agree but do have a look at Typora (markdown editor). We're slowly getting to the stage where some apps' potential will outweigh their RAM & drive space costs.
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    @tekashi is electron meant for Hello World kind of app.
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    @drac94 I agree with u. Many people don't see the use case of electron. They will just use it for any platform independent app that can be done using native programming.
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    The only reason I would use Electron is if I didn't want to waste time and to avoid frustration when doing GUI.

    It's great for that, you can get something up and running almost instantly.

    Other than that, I don't like it, I don't like node.js.
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    @shiv7071007 Care to elaborate, what's a valid use case for electron? I don't think there is any.
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    I worked on a project where we have this large in terms of size and memory usage desktop application that was working only on windows. This app was build around c++ library that was compiled separately for all os. Now we look for and research many frameworks like qt, and few more. We even tried swing. But somehow all these failed to give us the result that we were expecting in terms of ui and compatability with the library. And we already have a cli in nodejs that was working well. So we choose electron (we kept it in last cause of memory consumption) and it worked well. From designing, developing, till packaging everything went well.
    Ofcourse electron has its drawback, but tell me which framework doesn't.
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    Last time when I was in project, we were facing one issue that was encryption of code on client machine as electron was not supporting source code encryption (i really want electron to have this feature) . But our client said they don't need this, so no issues for us. Btw u can search some other apps built using electron on Google.
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    dart is cancer.

    I'm just saying this out of ignorance and to be offensive.

    Did it work?
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    Hey I'm not offended if thats what you think the motivation behind the dart humor was.

    Electron IS cancer.

    See some of my posts ranting about the ecosystem surrounding it.
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