apple is an IT company..

"New apps and app updates will not be accepted December 23–27 (Pacific Time), so any releases should be scheduled, submitted, and approved in advance."

Ah yes, because ofcourse the servers can go home and spend the holidays with their applets.

(yes i know apple says they verify by hand, yes i know in reality they actually automate it)

  • 0
    Is it fully automated?
  • 4
    @asgs apart from initial app submission, im pretty sure most of it is, unless they have people that can process my updates and releases in 0.9 seconds of me submitting them
  • 3
    I believe they automatically decide if it should wait for manual review, if it's okay to go out it can potentially be reviewed shortly after going out, in that case they don't want a long window where apps wouldn't get the manual review.
    Also, maybe they think you should go home and enjoy the holidays :-P
  • 0
    @Redders I'm head developer at a start up, i dont get holidays... even if i did i wouldn't have money to spend on them :P
  • 1
    @dakkarant you work all year round? Youch!
    Where I'm currently working is kind of open over the holidays, but the majority of people book it off, and we're on a code freeze from mid December until early January, do no major risks while we're at reduced capacity.
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