Which laptop to buy under 700$?

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    Should be some acer laptop, mine was around $600 and been used it for three years.
  • 11
    That gray one!
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    This is my choice
  • 7
    U will regret it in the long run so save up more money and buy a better laptop to last u for several years
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    Or buy used good quality business series laptop from eBay, put ssd, 16 gb ram, and change thermal paste and probably keyboard.
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    @Jilano that blue one!
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    @netikras it's actually peacock blue xdd
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    If you want to buy it now, go for a used Thinkpad, for the price you should be able to hunt down something like T480, or save up more for something new
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    @mindev okk, but what so special about ThinkPad tho? They look pretty overpriced to me is the built quality good or what?
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    @meaningfullife I would say that they are overpriced when you are buying a new one, and I would not recommend getting it new. But used onces usually offer great price to performance and quality ratio. The build quality is great, performance is good, and the keyboard is one of the best on the market. I bought mine T480 3 months ago, and it's amazing. Much better than anything wlse I had in similar price
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    @meaningfullife great keyboard, great built, great endurance
  • 4
    @meaningfullife you know you should probably mention what you'll be using the laptop for.

    Without that your question is about as meaningful as "what is the best algorithm?"
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    @RememberMe lol, alright so for most part I'll use it for python and Android programming and unity 3D
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    Maybe buy an used good machine, i did that once and the notebook lasted 4 years with me
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    Alright lil search shows thin laptops are not good for long run especially if it cheaper, I'm skipping my choice
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    As you said Android programming...
    If I not mistaken, it is not uncommon to run the written apps in an emulator, which needs a lot of RAM (and the IDE isn't very memory friendly either, I have heard).
    So you probably want more than 8 GB memory, target at least 16 GB.

    I currently see a Thinkpad E495 (the cheaper Thinkpad series, with a bit cheaper keyboard and casing and not easily changeable battery, there is also not the increased warranty of the T-series) with a Ryzen 7, 16 GB RAM at 800€ - maybe this fits your needs. If you want a 15'' screen, you may want to look at an E595.
    A downside of Thinkpad is they have a very bright backlight - enough for normal worm, but not good enough for working in bright sun.
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    @shoop a good one, but not too expensive
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