
DBA bitches about one of our developers SQL... implement changes... deploy... now it takes 12 minutes... up from 40 seconds... good job!

  • 2
    Whoa! What happened??
  • 1
    what database? Did the DBA change the developers SQL or make DB config changes?
  • 1
    I'd love to see the SQL in question. Were the results of both queries equivalent?
  • 1
    The DBA optimised the script to suit their best practices... results were the same... I wish we had access to the stats because the IOPs probably went throught the roof...

    Don't get me wrong, I love learning but sometimes book knowledge is just that...

    Besides, that sql was being called by multiple threads in the app... and changed our CTE to global temp tables ala ##...
  • 1
    Adding 11 minutes to the execution time, yep. That's one hell of an optimisation. Did he revert it after that? XD
  • 0
    Yep... but we had to explain why 😎
  • 1
    Ah.. SQL Server
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