Are there any survivor or Am I here alone?

  • 2
    It takes 64 quads and 64 vertices to draw the N64 3D logo...


    Okay, it doesn't, but it made you look.
  • 1
    Would love one but finding in decent condition is not cheap.
    Then I remember how dumb the controller was. 😬
  • 1
    We need a new console that takes CDs and DVDs. Forget this download shit. There is a place for simpler gameplay. Not machines that sucks 2000W of power to play tetris.
  • 0
    Yes, you're the only one who's 25 years or older
  • 0
    We have one in the office with a bunch of games but we only play Mario kart
  • 0
    There are, but probably not on devRant.
  • 0
    @FrodoSwaggins You know, you gave me an idea. What about cloning retro games for low spec machines? Use better graphics, but be more like Terraria on GPU/CPU load. Mainly 2D games. That seems to be what phones are doing.
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