Gitlab's CI/CD, Jenkins, TeamCity, Travis, Bamboo,.....

Fuck it, I'm too lazy to learn them all to pick the best choice for my case.

Meet 'pipeline.bash'


  • 0
    Tbh bamboo and travis arent too bad, but the rest are amazingly attrocious.
  • 1
    @arcsector depends on the circumstances tbh. jenkins is good for large internal structures since you can script anything with pipelines. Github Actions are pretty good too. travis works, but is rather slow iirc. i haven't worked with the rest
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    gist link?
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    @galileopy nope..
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    It's.. it's beautiful ❤️
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    @galileopy it's too tied to my project's structure to be useful for anyone else. And it's very simple - <300 loc.
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    @Condor thanks :) it's improved a bit since y-day morning 😁
  • 2
    If you like pipeline bash you are gonna love concourse.
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    @muttley yet anothet ci tool to learn? 😁
  • 2
    What a beautiful little shit golem you've managed to cobble together.

    Congratulations on not taking the wide easy road to perdition, but beating or building your own path.

    And thank you for not sharing your solution and adding one yet more tool to the dungheap.

    Sharing is not caring these days.
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    @Wisecrack I mean.. Why overengineer it if 300loc shell code is perfectly enough...
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    How much shorted do you think you could make it?
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    @Wisecrack getting rid of empty lines, prettyprinting, stats, headers.. Idk, maybe I could slim it down by 50.. Using sed and grep with complex regexes instead of custom functions - maybe another 50. Losing performance in doubly-nested loops with several subshells in them could be another 20 or so. Why?
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    If you're hosting it on github, I'd recommend github actions. I've used a bunch of CI/CD tools by now, and I think that actions is by far the best
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    Just because. I'm a masochist.
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