You know you're a web dev when...

you consider not buying pizza just because the ordering website appears to use global jQuery selectors. 😣

  • 0
    Sorry but what's the problem? Performance?
  • 1
    But did you go ahead and get the pizza? Now I want pizza.
  • 0
    You should send them a pull request and get a free pizza!
  • 0
    @Trejak In short, scoping and maintainability concerns.

    Yeah, these all use ID selectors, but I've been in projects that used CSS classes to target elements. So when multiple instances of the component got instantiated, the callback unwittingly executed on ALL instances, resulting in mind-boggling bugs.

    Backbone.js scars, man.
  • 0
    Well theres always another Pizza shop you can call c:
  • 1
    @zourtney ah. Makes sense
  • 0
    Just don't use jQuery and buy pizza
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