Does anyone here code on a machine with 64GB of RAM? I'm tired if running out of RAM but 64 is probably overkill.

  • 11
    My 16gb are good enough for web and mobile :)
  • 3
    Depends how much you use VM's. If you use them a lot, you can fill up any RAM!
  • 3
    i have a machine like that at work, not because i need to, just because I can

    if you are on Linux and running out of ram you might actually run out of unused ram, but that doesn't mean its not available (google on how Linux tries to optimises RAM usage all the time)

    and yes, 16GB is enough these days, if you want to feature proof, 24 or 32 should be plenty
  • 4
    What are you coding that's eating through 64Gb of ram???
  • 4
    Yeah, I think you guys are right. I do run containers, but 32 should be enough for a fair amount of them.
  • 2
    Yeah i've got 64GB of Ram but i am using some vm's during work.. so i need them^^
  • 1
    64Gb just isnt enough!
  • 1
    @MsGeburt Does it ever feel like it goes to waste?
  • 0
    @DrowsyLlama It wont go to waste because a decent OS will just use it as a (disk) buffer cache....
  • 8
    Really guys?? I have a old computer with 2gb RAM and it has ubuntu 16.04 and windows 10 on it
    (dual boot,I'm using ubuntu of course:) )and it runs smooth...

    Do you have brainfuck programs that design websites or what the f*** 😂
  • 2
    24 on my home machine, 16 on the mac provided by work. No issues on either.

    When I interned at a VFX school the machines had anywhere between 16 and 32.
  • 0
    16GB with up to 4 visual studio instances and a vmware player and it goes smooth
  • 3
    32GB for me is sufficient three VM's simulating various production boxes. I run VS on the host. Works really well
  • 1
    @TonySnark my dev environment for the current project includes redis, postgres, 6 Python processes, chrome and eclipse. 8gb on my laptop is just enough, less wouldn't make it.
  • 1
    Wow, I thought my 16 was the overkill 😂
  • 1
    @enjoythecode I absolutely do not believe this.

    What web browser and DE do you use?
  • 1
    @enjoythecode not everyone is a web developer....
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    @ReturnVoid Even then I don't believe it runs "smooth". I would think it's probably unpleasant to use day to day.
  • 2
    this rant reminds me of the time, when my new phone had more RAM then my home desktop
  • 1
    @drRoss Till recently, I had a backup laptop with 2GB RAM. It was perfectly usable and smooth running. It was loaded with Debian and i3 wm. I've used it for some ruby and python developement (no heavy IDE, just a text editor with syntax highlighting). Its only drawback was underpowered cpu that struggled with some high res html5 videos and sites with way too much javascript.

    For java and webservers I wouldn't even try with less than 8GB, preferably 16GB.
  • 2
    @drRoss Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying that 2GB is enough for everyone and for everything (e.g. for java dev as I've already mentioned). But a well configured system with 2GB RAM can be usefull and doesn't have to feel sluggish.
  • 3
    Never! You can always throw a few more VMs on there ;)
  • 0
    @drRoss well, I am not a actual developer, I'm programming as a hobby and yeah I am a web developer using Atom so... 😁
  • 1
    I read that as 64MB of RAM and couldn't figure out why that was a lot.
  • 2
    I've got a workstation with 256gb ram, and while executing a research project on machine learning, I usually get 100% ram and cpu usage for about 30 mins. So it isn't an overkill, just depends on the scenario.
  • 1
    I had a server like that 64 ram 8 core, but I have no idea what to do with it. Internet Connection is shit.
  • 1
    I have a coding machine with 64gb of ram and let me tell you... You won't touch most of it, but it lets me game while setting up vms with chrome blasting music in the background.
  • 0
    64 gb?! And here I'm hoping if a macbook air with 8gb will be good enough for parallels
  • 1
    @HoloDreamer Parallels on an Air... No.
  • 0
    @drRoss i heard that in other forums to but parallels says it works. Anyway, I'm eyeing for a mb pro
  • 0
    @HoloDreamer Yeah it'll "work" but it'll be slow. Of course they say it works because they want to sell more.
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    256GB per node, depending on how many nodes I want.

    Before you ask, no, I rarely find myself using it all ;)
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