
That moment when you tell the head of IT that he 'bought' licenses for a deprecated version of an open source engine for 300K 🤣

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    @HelsinkiCodes for real. ✌️
  • 1
    Fuck dude, that's awful
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    Idiots! Idiots everywhere!
  • 3
    IT isnt that much to blame. the way i see it is u shoudnt be selling licenses for depricated versions of ur software
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    Two things to blame here:

    1. Selling license for a depreciated software with that price

    2. Person who asked for purchase did not make sure that at least it is no longer depreciated

    I just hope I don't mess up that bad one day :\
  • 1
    @HelsinkiCodes this world never fails to amaze me with how low people can get :/
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    @HelsinkiCodes @gitpush @sleek

    to add some context: our business is rather large, 300k is just a fraction of IT budget. The solution provider is a well established company with loads of technical debt and seems to be using us as guinea pigs for their ventures into modern software stacks. This is just what happens when decision makers are decoupled from reality, on both sides.
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    Well... if he bought support licences for a deprecated product instead of paying to migrate it that is probably fine. Like I worked at a place that used a legacy ERP system that touches literally hundreds of industrial machines. It was easier for them to pay an aftermarket support specialist a few hundred thousand than pay 20 million rebuilding the industrial machines.
  • 2
    Plot twist: guy who wasted 300k of budget is friends with software seller.
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    @zemaitis possible 🤯
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