
Decided it was time to grit my teeth and actually bunker down and learn a bit of C++...

Im 1 hour in and hinestly am not sure whether I hate Pyton or C++ more at this stage .-.

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    Don't be like that, you and I both know you have a secret love affair with python 🥰
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    @C0D4 don't you dare use my name in the same sentence as that skank!
  • 7
    @lxmcf 😂

    What's the saying... one man's skank is another man's piece on the side.

    What's wrong?

    She's flexible,
    well practised in her professional positions,
    she knows how to get down and dirty,
    and she'll make you're life a living hell at random 😅
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    @C0D4 ... The math checks out
  • 3
    @tits-r-us wait a minute, that just threw a spanner in the works, I was starting to think you were a guy.
  • 2
    @C0D4 plot twist incoming
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    This is normal, especially if you're transitioning from a less technical language to a more technical language like c++. The knowledge you gain with time will slowly increase your bullshit tolerance in the individual languages. Don't forget, knowing a language isn't the end of the road, the language is just part of your toolset, always use the best tool for a job
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    @Hazarth well I'm coming from primarily using Vala, C# and GML with a very small amount of C, so far I'm just not keen on the syntax tbh.

    I have less issues with C++ than I do with Python overall
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    @lxmcf ah ok, then c++ will come more naturally to you. Especially if you know C# already. I also started with C# and moved to C++ later and it tool me 3-4 tries to get into it. Naturally C# is the newer lang and solved a lot of the overhead that C++ struggles with, but in terms of raw control C++ feels better.
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    @Hazarth so far, I prefer C tbh, I'm only doing C++ as I want to work with OpenGL
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    Heh...heheheheh.... buahahahhahahaaaa.....

    You want to REALLY hate something?

    Try malware analysis... and welcome yourself to the endless abyss that is assembly... (none will welcome you there, we all have gone bonkers)

    THEN we can talk about hate....
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    @bladedemon assembly intrigues me more than I'm willing to admit actually
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    @lxmcf My unfriendly advice would be to stay away, but we need fresh meat for grinding...

    So, you are welcome to come aboard. Pick up a few copies of OS programming and Windows Internals, along with kernel design and a few others.

    I had to move my books recently (I keep some hard copies - it can help in some cases) and my back hurt for a couple of days after...
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    @bladedemon well I'm currently building a virtual CPU for my developer terminal so learning assembly is pretty much inevitable
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    @lxmcf Keep your code close, and your coffee closer :P

    And also keep a scream box nearby.

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    @bladedemon I need this glorious invention in my life now...
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    Given the language complexity, C++ offers so much more to hate than Python.
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    The one unhateable language.
    Simple as fuck.
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    @OneOfSimpleMind Though the subtleties take some time. Not only around undefined behaviour, which C has too much of, but also around some defined one like volatile reordering.
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    @Fast-Nop Yeah, I only used C for simple sequential things so far so I never really got too deep. Always satisfying to know when you are allocating memory or not. C++ does so many things with a new the stacktraces are horrible.
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