Wetin Musa no go see for road😂. Json, programming language.

  • 1
    Is it used outside of programming?

    Go find a normie, and ask them what it is.

    "Programming language" doesn't mean "can be used to write Turing complete programs"
  • 10
    @C0D4 well let's not call a spade a shovel. A file format isn't a programming language. Simple
  • 3
    @soapmactervish but it's not a file format either. It's a data format.
  • 2
    @C0D4 is it a programming language if I would comma separate values? No! It is a comma separated list/table. CSV is not a programming language nor is JSON, XML or any other format for structuring plain text data.
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    @rutee07 Worse than that's he's not blue anymore!
  • 4
    @rutee07 @Jilano I can only go so long being covered in smoke without becoming subconsciously aware it's not coming off.

    The purple takes away from the dark skin 😱
  • 0
    That is programing launguage category so it is used in that field it dosent mean that it is one.
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    "As Bambi's corpse rot in the little barn, @rutee07 starts to laugh maniacally"

    @C0D4 Such a sad thing to read :x
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    @Gregozor2121 Can be in the programming category, can be in data format category, can even be in the standards category but not in the programming language category.
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    Normalowda na sasa anyting, keyá?
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    @soapmactervish When Musa liv gate enta road? 😄
  • 2
    Google is wrong? What a surprise...
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    @hjk101 I was a devils advocate there, you are right but if you have 1 milion articles to categorise manualy or even automaticly you will get errors.
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    @cafecortado That is impossible. That is what google tells me.
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    @soapmactervish sorry, what do you think code is? Code is just a complicated file format. C, Python, Rust... Your CPU doesn't understand any of that shit. Your compiler does. Your interpreter does. They're all files.
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    @AlgoRythm How do you call assembler code then?
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    @Gregozor2121 My point being that just because something is a "file format" doesn't mean it's not a programming language.
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