
"It takes A and B and C and X and ... to make this work on Windows"

What? Nooo really? Making Linux tools work on Windows takes more effort than on Linux? And it must totally be Windows' fault, right?

Pull your head out of the ass already. Running Windows tools on Linux takes just as much effort and just as many extra steps, and the same goes whenever you try to run any software on a system it wasn't made for.

  • 8
    I have this gif somewhere for these cases...

    Found it!
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    I don't recall when was the last time I needed some Windows app on Linux... I have all I need in Linux.
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    @netikras name a heavy duty database management tool for linux.
    Requirements: manage 8 different hosts with ca 8k databases each, around 30 tables per database. (Yes, I did not pull these outta air)

    HeidiSQL doesn't really work with wine. DBeaver is clunky as fuck and as unstable as it can be if it has to manage more than 3 open connections.

    I don't want to fight here, your comment just made me think you may know an answer to that.
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    @PublicByte no but you see you have to open and use the terminal and that's so scary and complicated!!!111!
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    @nitwhiz Navicat works perfectly under linux. Heck their own linux version is just the windows version distributed through wine.
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    @PublicByte You're so smart, huh? How about actually checking Wine, where you can find a list of 4800 apps that run without problems, and almost twice as many apps that run, but either have some problems, or require special configuration to make them work?
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    @netikras I tried to run some games via lutris a few days ago and damn wine and dxvk are fking impressive tools. I even played some demanding titles without to much of a performance penalty.

    But yeah most of the time a native Linux equivalent is just a ddg search away.
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    @PublicByte You stated that wine app.exe will work without any extra effort. Data from Wine db clearly shows there's about 2/3 chance an app will have some problems / limitations, or it'll require a bunch of additional effort before it works properly, which is directly equivalent to the effort / drawbacks of running Linux software on Windows. That's perfectly unbiased fact, not some fanboy thing. However, not telling the whole thing to give an impression that "actually, Linux can do it in one line" definitely is a fanboy thing.
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    @PublicByte And Linux software on Windows either works or not, so it takes exactly the same effort, unless you want to waste a bunch of time debugging.
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    @PublicByte Then what was the purpose of your first comment, if not challenging that running Linux tools on Windows takes just as much effort as running Windows tools on Linux?
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    And commenting something that intentionally gives an impression how "actually, it only takes a single line on Linux" is a much better indicator of one's opinion on the subject than something they say to prove a point.
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    This is pretty clearly in response to my rant. Dude, you seriously need to just brush it off. It was not a personal insult. Linux is definitely not without it's downsides; most notably less user-friendly UIs and lack of corporate support. However, being able to know exactly what my system is doing and control every aspect of it if I want to is very important to me. Also, I was not making Linux tools work. I was using Windows ports. My real complaint was that windows is severely lacking in the feature department, and lots of crazy workarounds have to be done to do simple things like making 2 apps talk to each other. I also replied to you there, because it seems you only read half my argument. Please don't bash people when you are unwilling to look at the situation objectively
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    Linux on Windows?
    Cygwin, VM, or WSL?
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    @netikras Except those games...
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    @c3r38r170 I can't recall when was the last time I wanted to play a computer game :)

    my statement holds
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    @sploders101 There's 10+ rants each week here about how hard it is to run something on Windows, not to mention people on Twitter, GitHub issues, other support sites, and in comments on various tutorials.

    If you really think this is about you, well, you're like those obese people who feel offended by a healthcare article...
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    @hitko Except that this was posted minutes after your comment on my thread, and copies the same scenario. 🤔 Try being less provocative and keep your personal insults to yourself. Seriously. You can call somebody out on something, and I welcome it, but how about instead of immediately assuming somebody is an obese idiot, you take a minute to look at the situation and evidence objectively. I have pretty clear reasoning to believe that this was in response to mine, as outlined earlier so how about you take a look at *that* before calling me an idiot
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