There's this one lead dev in our dpt who keeps posting pictures to our company's Teams 'general' channel with shit in the toilet after someone forgot to either flush or use the brush.
Caption usualy says "I don't mean to cause nausea to anyone, but we are all adults here and should know how to flush / use the toilet brush".

Does every company have this guy or are we the chosen ones?

  • 2
    I don't have that guy, but I think everyone has that one guy who couldn't use a toilet if they tried.
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    @C0D4 you mean.. A guy who does it in his pants instead if a toilet?
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    @netikras that's a possibly.
    I mean the guy that manages to not only miss the toilet but pretty sure that sign of "don't stand on a toilet" refers to this guy too.
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    Frame one of it and put it on his desk.
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    No but every company should have this guy and he should be authorized to use lethal force.
  • 1
    Oh man... Shit pics ?
    Haha 😂 terrible person to do so...
    But in case you're work place toilet looks like crap... I would suggest a cooperate toilet training for everyone..
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    @dror That sounds MUCH more appropriate
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    Got a similar issue few days ago...
    I have gone into the bathroom saw someone wash his hands next to booth[3].... Assuming this is the one he used, i entered booth[0]... My eues teared up due to the terrible smell of his huge dump....
    This is ladys and gentlemen is the old evasive maneuver...
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