
Fuck this shit. Any socket connection on JIO's fucking network gets dropped after 5 seconds if no data is sent. It's working on any other network. Wtf is going on???

Does anyone have any idea on this?

If someone has jio network please go to https://www.websocket.org/echo.html
And connect and check how long until it gets disconnected. Would be greatful if someone can validate this.

The project I am working on uses websockets extensively and this thing is screwing it up. I have temporarily set websocket ping interval to 3 seconds but what if the f**ckers over at JIO decide to start dropping connections every 1 second?

  • 2
    Just implement a heartbeat and move on?
  • 0
    This is seriously pissing me off. This is not supposed to happen. I checked stackoverflow and trello which use websockets and they too are facing the same problems.

    But web.whatsapp.com is able to maintain websocket connection without any problem. Wtf is going on???
  • 0
    @dynamitesushi that's not the point. How often should I send the heartbeat? Today it's getting disconnected every 5 seconds. Tomorrow it might happen every 1 second.

    Wtf. What is point of websocket then. I might as well use polling.
  • 0
    That suggests their model of websocket support is intended for firehose style work. I can kind of understand purging idle connections, but for worker-style operations that model doesn't really present any advantages over, say http/2.
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  • 1
    @olback it's a major network provided in India. It's like AT&T of India.
  • 0
    Based on the last time I worked with them, you can probably just say AT&T at this point.
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