
Only ranting though 😂

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    how not to talk about programming on functions and datatypes?
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    If you break the rule you will earn the title of free tech-support for life
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    Depends on how familiar the other people are though. I can geek out at some gatherings, and at others I'm keeping my lips sealed
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    People like it when I explain the magic of computer stuff. Normally I keep it surface level and very short.

    “I don’t understand why everyone wants me to type in a six digit number from a text message when I sign in.”

    “You go into your bank, tell them your name, and how much money to withdraw. They then hand you the money and you leave. What stops someone from saying your name to a teller and doing the same? So you show them your government issued photo ID. They see that the name and photo matches. Could the government be tricked into issuing a photo ID to the wrong person? Yes but that takes a lot of effort and increased risk for someone to fake. That is what the number does. “

    Everyone seems to welcome that kind of thing. If I started talking about servers and authentication and cryptography and etc it would be unwelcome.
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