

I hate whenever people take hobbies and other things that aren't personality traits and try to make it a personality trait.

Your sexuality isn't a personality trait.
Your diet (looking at you *obnoxious* vegans) isn't a personality trait.
Coding isn't a personality trait.
Your race isn't a personality trait.

I'mma end this rant with a !rant tho.

I know they're obnoxious asf but oh my God mechanical keyboards are one of the most amazing sounds on this earth. Sometimes I'll type just to hear that beautiful sound.

  • 11
    But I fuck my code - well it fucks me really,

    I drink my code ( programmable coffee machine counts? )

    I am of coding descendants (genes)

    Why can't I refer to myself as code?

    Ps: I can't live without my mech keyboard 😍
  • 6
    @C0D4 if some people believe in the 200 some odd genders, you can sexually identify as code and they won't care.

    "It's 2020 go for it."
  • 6
    @Stuxnet 200? You missed a few thousand 😂
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    @rutee07 😭😭

    @C0D4 If we're at that many I'mma go on and load up the ole 9mm to say goodnight.
  • 6
    @Stuxnet my grandfather did that. He would fire right off his back porch to say good night to his buddy and his buddy would fire in response. Nightly ritual.
    Old men from generations past had some strange traditions I'll tell ya hwhat.
  • 3
    Personality is over rated and ego centric.

    Before you can be real you have to stop tryna be real and simply learn to be as you are.

    I guess this is Zen.
    Tell the truth, I don't know.
    Go ask a Buddha.

    Frankly who can say? What does any of it mean? People and bacteria? One thing in common:


    They don't call it a cult for nothing. And at the center of every cult? A "personality."

    To be anonymous and unimportant in a fully tracked world of warm bodies busily gossiping away at every inane happening in others lives? To be unknown and unremarkable is almost as cathartic as being famous.
  • 1
    You're mistaken. None of these things alone are personalities, but combined, they absolutely are. That's how people work.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm I disagree.

    By this logic all those who match the criteria in a similar manner would be the same person.

    I think personality is simply memories plus the unique order our individual brains process information.

    And yes, I exclude sexuality as well as more and more people change their sexuality many times these days.
  • 2
    Oh we’re gatekeeping what qualifies as a personality now? Hobbies certainly seem to fall under the behaviors section.

    I get it that people can seem one dimensional, but hobbies, gender, etc. are actually a part of personality. Just like mechanical keyboards or coding.
  • 0
    I'm reminded of the ship of Theseus.

    Was Frankenstein's monster his brain? Or was the monster's brain (or more accurately mind) that of the person who it previously belonged to?
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