
Why are so many websites' TLS certs broken? This month I've come across at least four different websites with cert errors that I've tried to email the webmasters about. "Tried" - the fourth has only twitter as a contact point and "can't be messaged". None of the other three have been corrected, although I received responses from two claiming they'd look into it.

And that's not even counting the ones I've seen that I didn't care about enough to contact the webmaster.

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    Perhaps tls versions or something?
  • 5
    Yeah I recently contacted someone as well. The response was "we don't need a working certificate because we don't process user data"

    "but you do have a forum with passwords and emails"

    "oh yeah I don't care about that data"
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    @Codex404 Time to grab this data and smear it across their face.
  • 4
    Certbot to hard to use.

    PCI compliance time of the year - FML right now

    People have no idea what they are doing, doing things with servers.

    Which sites?

    Also, FYI Apple just made a dick move and is looking at blocking sites with certs with a validity of ~400+ days in Safari.

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    @C0D4 Specifically the sites were: lunarchstudios.com, nhindependence.com, heartyhuman.com, and humaniterations.net
  • 1
    @C0D4 If certbot is too hard, use acme.sh
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    @kescherRant I have no issues with certbot 😂 well besides firewalls.
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    @C0D4 I prefer acme.sh, but still have certbot deployed because why switch lol
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    Something tells me that this whole certificate business is a cashgrab. But it's definitely wrong to collect passwords without prolonging cert and using weird excuses. 😔
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    @Yujiri 🤔
    lunarchstudios doesn't have ssl.

    Oh wait 😂😂😂

    This is what happens when you are on a shared vps and someone else has a ssl cert that's been setup incorrectly so now that cert is the default cert for all hosts.
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