How many of you guys use codewars fo stay on top of your skills?

  • 6
    Not I.
  • 6
    Staying on top of my skills is a bit of an overstatement, i use it to see if i can solve the problems in 1 line.
  • 5
    @yellow-dog Trolling with code golf? Ooh, that does sound fun
  • 1
    I don't believe competition element can be helpful for soft skills and for cases when you develop code in team.
  • 5
    I use it to learn all the cool things in a language. I solve a problem, see how someone did it in one line, and recreate the one line solution
  • 3
    Code golf for me. Always fun to hunt for bytes
  • 4
    Never heard of it.

    I generally just use my job.
  • 1
    I've never heard about codewars but will definitely check it out.
  • 1
    This month:
    My job involves integrating disparate data from closed systems across the business into a single searchable construct with each system being able to leverage this data for its own uses despite each system already governing its own data and associated business rules.

    And you want me to care about algos.
    Granted I will from time to time jump on and solve a few problems just to distract myself from my job but I'm not a serious user.
  • 1
    Ppl who do this get an L from me
  • 0
    I dont have to improve myself to get paid better, so no.
  • 0
    @010001111 why? I feel like it’s a good and fun distraction to sometimes use it and do code golf
  • 0
    @Jilano true
  • 3
    @mmaymandi Yeah, doing code golf, that’s it.

    Those things don’t _really_ help.
    to get better, the best thing is and will be doing real work.

    Those thing _might_ help you to go from beginner to mediocre, but definetly not from mediocrity to expert.

    For those people, it’s just a fun little thing to keep the brain going, rather than extending the knowledge.
  • 2
    @010001111 Most, if not all work is context/environment based and those games are use-case based, which generally is very unlikely to happend as-seen in game to happen in real life
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