JavaScript may not last when people would realize it is not related to Java.

  • 7
    Surely most js devs know its not related to Java?
  • 2
    @Loops yeah that's the first thing they told me at my bootcamp lol
  • 6
    JavaScript will probably outlive Java though.

    I mean, not that Java is on it's way out, but it might eventually, in two decades time or something, lose to a competing language.

    JavaScript on the other hand... I'm afraid that one is a chronic disease.
  • 2
    @bittersweet it's a virus..once some fw is passé it just mutates into another.. 🤣🤣🤣
  • 3

    I think there are only 2 ways JS could die:

    1. A big company creates smooth tooling and a great framework which can compile one single language to a backend, webassembly & native binaries for every mobile platform. No API endpoints, that stuff is now all low level garbage you don't need to worry about. 20 years later, browsers just start phasing out JS because no one is using it anymore.

    2. Browsers, with their 2D document-driven web suddenly become irrelevant because a company makes an amazing jump forward in immersive AR/VR technology. Why scroll through a clickbait article about the 10 times a celebrity embarassed themselves in a club, when you can be there to virtually hold back their hair and smell the mix of champagne and puke? Just like how the internet went from services like usenet to the web, it might go from the web to something with more dimensions.

    Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think 2 is more likely than 1
  • 1
    I think 1 would be a nice solution with backwards compatibility. That way the current working developers can still stay up to the task.
    As of 2, let me create that for you with JS (one of the current working developers that wants to stay up to the task). Not me. Let JS die. I hate you (I remind myself every now and then to not be involved in a new and cool JS framework that seems cool.
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