
Just started teaching my brother some programming. He is the type of guy that is always outside and almost never uses a computer.

So after teaching him a lot on dictionaries, ifs, etc. I ask him to make a dictionary app.

This is how he proceeds to name his variables:

var theOne = new Dictionary
var f***face = Console.ReadLine()

if (theOne.Contains(f***face)) {

var faffaf = Dictionary[f***face]


(Note this is simplified C#)

This is after I told him a few times that you should name your variables so others can understand what they are.

  • 1
    Seems like he also needs to learn about inline out parameters and pattern matching.
  • 10
    He also needs to learn some fucking appreciation for the craft or fuck off
  • 0
    Why so you even start then?
  • 0
    It may now be a f**face but on the future it might change to another a***hole. So name it right so you don't forget what you need it to do. F**face

    ^my approach. A bit harsh, I know. Harsh situations need harsh treatment
  • 0
    I wouldn't continue the lessons; my time and energy would be better spent elsewhere.
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