
Trying to switch from 2 finger bird-view typing to 10 finger no-view. Fuck this is hard! I'm just veeery slowly getting used to it, although I tend to fall back automatically when I don't focus on it and just want to type in a few characters.
I keep doing several typos and often forget where a key was exactly or confuse the position of some character, even though I typed it fairly often before. Also typing any number or non-alphabetic letter is mostly a wild guess of finger position.
Either I'm a very slow learner or smth's wrong.😪

  • 4
    It takes practice.

    Also, it's easy to slip back into bad habits, so don't look at the keyboard. Doing so will make the switch that much harder.
  • 1
    I type better and faster when I'm typing what's in my mind, but I'm worse and slower when reading from paper if that makes sense lol
  • 3
    There are websites where you can track the time and failure rate which you need to type a certain text, write up those times and see it as a highscore you need to beat. Suddenly it's a lot more rewarding, and you can also easily see how fast you are improving!
  • 1
    Take all the keys off and jumble them up. Looking won't help then, and you'll quickly get out the habit ;)
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce or just wear a blanket over your hands and keyboard
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