What is the maximum number of tables in a single database you have ever seen?

Almost 900 for me :D

  • 6
    The biggest I've seen were in the thousands, but those were "enterprise" dumping grounds where rather than creating a new database they'd give people a table in the same db. Doesn't qualify to my mind.

    A large retailer I worked for, the ecomm system had ~2200, a good majority of autogenerated by the CMS and content faceting system they were using.

    Current and soon to be past tense client, the biggest is a single Oracle 8 database with 1382 tables, that has been around and migrated since the early 90s.

    Here's to hoping RDBMSes stop being a thing in my lifetime.
  • 6
    however many it is you get when you install wordpress and drupal into the same db.
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    @Kashmir That hurts
  • 1
    Largest is about 100, but could have been split into 2 as it was for 2 different projects sharing the same DB, some of the data is used for both though.
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    I dont have access to the databases, that have the real great amount of tables, so mine is around 30.
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    That galaxy level brain where the amount of tables exeeds the amount of data in some apps...
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    At my last job there was a Maximo db with 1100+

    Lots of empty ones, though.
  • 0
    Haven't actually seen it, but went to a presentation of a guy who had to refactor an ERP system with over 20 million tables. Naturally, he noped out the second he saw the number. True story.
  • 1
    @Lucky-Loek a table per user? Like is that what we are doing here??
  • 0
    @C0D4 nobody knew... Just 30 years of uncontrolled development where everybody kust kinda did what they thought was the way
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