I’m currently learning development thru a remote bootcamp, I spend 80% of free time trying to build stuff and doing challenges. None of my friends understand or care, how do you combat loneliness/make friends when you’re a beginner? I’ve been to a few meetups but everyone’s way ahead of me. Bootcamp classmates are cool but none are in my city.

  • 11
    ++ for Username.
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    "but everyone's way ahead of me"

    You sure about that? Or is that just the feeling you have?
  • 9
    "how do you combat loneliness or make friends when you're a beginner?"
    Same as everyone. Have different hobbies. Don't let coding become your only hobby otherwise your only hobby will become your job and then you'll get fucked in the Bad way. Don't develop your identity and self-worth around your coding skills. You are more than your Job
  • 7
    @Benutzername ++ für deinen Benutzernamen
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    @alexbrooklyn at the time yes, learned a lot since I’ve been able to get out to one so maybe not anymore. At the last one I got grouped with another beginner and spent the time showing him FCC and other practice sites so that was cool I guess.
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    @don-rager 🤔thanks
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    by not making development the end all be all in your life.

    Doing this while learning I can get, but consider that no matter how much you love it that it will still be a great stress factor in your life when you turn into a professional and no matter how much you love it you still need to do other things with your time, it can't all be just development man. breaks and hobbies are what you need because trust me it will never be enough
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    Inspire yourself more than ever. Learn some cool stuff using javascript. And do something that will stand out of them. Definitely people will be more than happy to engage with you. Just prove your strength. Always try implement things what you've learned. That will boost your learning process.
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