Can we PLEASE once and for all redesign email and texting to be whitelist only?

Seriously, blacklisting doesn't work. We still have assholes that just because they know a line of text or a phone number can harass you forever. It IS harassment and needs to stop. We can always have the option of throw away blacklist addresses, but lets make primary email and phone numbers whitelist only as a standard feature. The business of SPAM would be dead overnight.

  • 2
    Also, the phone system numbers are archaic. They need to be updated to allow more numbers. Make it so everyone gets a private + public number. Make private number whitelist and public blacklist.
  • 1
    The one source of spam that really pissed me off was the people who harvest data off of linkedin. I had changed jobs. My new job used my first and last name separate by a dot. They figured out my address from company name and user name on linked in. So I consequently went into linked in and misspelled my name. No more f-ing linkedin spam.
  • 0
    and then they'd slam your Discord and LinkedIn and Twitter and whatnot instead.
  • 0
    So when I’m 90, I see my whitelist be the holy grail of contacts and I’ll never cleaned them up.

    Now that I think about... maybe this slut from 40 years ago might have time...
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