
Any guys in Italy, China South Korea etc. Is it as bad as the media potrays it? My country just had its first confirmed case. Any advise on how to go about it, what to stock etc?

  • 21
    Stock everything and spread the panic.
    Most important thing in such case is to keep the panic alive!
    Remember, panic!
  • 7
    Stock spotify and wifi. You'll need it a lot in order to healthy.
  • 9
    Same as any plague. Beer and bullets.
  • 3
    I've been in China for a while and outside of hubei it's been fine, in my region life is almost back to normal now
  • 3
    @melezorus34 I'm downloading a lot of wireless WiFi right now, can I do more?
  • 3
    The Italian media is over exaggerating it. And the government of old people follows along.

    They really think that in this way they're gone stop the *epidemy* enough 😂

    Fuck them.
  • 1
    Actually, the main issue we can have is the production line disruptions (globalized factories...).

    If you don't have respiratory problems or are in your late 50s+, it's like the flu...

    Now the flu is a real problem in a lot of countries...
  • 0
    @h4xx3r I believe the plan is to slow the spread not atsop it.

    About 20% of infections are resulting in needing medal care and a lot of health systems could deal with 20% of the population all being ill at the same time.

    So the game is to slow the spread and make sure you're running under full capacity.
  • 1
    @vorticalbox even at slowing, it's still exaggerated
  • 5
    The whole "closing down" thing is to prevent people from spending time in public, nothing more. Even in Italy grocery stores are still open, and plenty of delivery companies still work, they just avoid direct contact during the delivery (leaving package in front of the door, not accepting cash-on-delivery, ...). It may be a good idea to stack a bit of extra food just in case something really bad happens and you can't go to the store for a week or so, that's probably the worst consequence general population may feel. Just keep it real, no need to buy a fucking yearly supply of toilet paper. (I never quite understood these folks, even if we somehow run out you can just wash your ass ffs, and using TP to constantly wipe your nose will make your whole face irritated and burning)
  • 1
    @hitko Why people buy a yearly supply of toilrt paper but barely any food is beyond my understanding.
  • 1
    Have food for a couple days at home so you have it when other people empty the shelves in panic.
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