
sAleSfoRce aPEx is a hot wet garbage fire. How can I make this actually make this work right when I need to compare case sensitive strings?

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    Raise support ticket?
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    It is trash. On fire. In a dumpster.
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    Implement your own string compare?
    😅 that's just sad.
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    @Root no need, someone just needs to RTFM 😅
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    @C0D4 I get that you can work around it now that I had to dig for a solution.

    The default of case insensitive makes zero sense for == because that is supposedly comparing primitives.
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    @irene don't bring logic into this, you will loose 😅

    If there's one thing I've learnt over the past couple of years, it's Salesforce has its own way of doing things.
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    @irene Because when you're exploring data, 95% of the time you're trying to match content in a case-insensitive way. You don't care how some secretary entered a person's name, you want that person to show up if you enter their name.
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    @C0D4 If the language is something That doesn’t make sense like a real programming language I’m not going to stick around to learn it and sabotage my ability to do real programming.

    Even Es5 is much better than what I see in Salesforce so far. Salesforce climbed way too far up the application stack. It is clearly interpreted before compiled but written like it is running like Java. Fuuuuu
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    @irene it's compiled and then ran over a java environment. You will notice this when you get java runtime errors apex doesn't prevent 😉

    No ones forcing you to do it right?
    Salesforce is a giant platform, you either embrace it like any other thing or you hate it to bits.

    I'll admit it can be a pain in the ass with what it can/ can't do and what you need to do at times to get arounds it's limitations at times, but I do enjoy the challenge of running into brick walls... sometimes.
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