
Twitter disclosed a bug on its platform that impacted users who accessed their platform using Firefox browsers.

According to the report of ZDNet: Twitter stored private files inside the Firefox browser's cache (a folder where websites store information and files temporarily). Twitter said that once users left their platform or logged off, the files would remain in the browser cache, allowing anyone to retrieve it. The company is now warning users who share systems or used a public computer that some of their private files may still be present in the Firefox cache. Malware could be used to scrape and steal this data.

  • 0
    This blog post is nothing but BS. Reveals nothing, explains nothing
  • 0
    I'd blame this entirely on twitter. Not because I hate twitter but.... this has been the only report I've seen on this where Firefox is involved, which probably means that the devs wrote this 'feature' while not keeping Firefox in mind.

    (for the record, OR, I am not saying you are blaming Firefox, I'm just putting this out there as for information/my opinion)
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