
I have never used Docker and/or Kubernetes. Motivate me to use it by telling me how cool it is.
I want to build a complete ci-pipeline but am too lazy to start... there is so much to do, and I don't know where to start.

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    start here

    It's a free interactive online course which gives you all the knowledge you need to start with docker and also kubernetes.
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    @heyheni Cool thanks. That's definetely gonna help.
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    Docker is great because you can deploy tiny containers that just hold what your app needs to run. Also great for integration testing because you can run stuff locally really easily. Wanna test your MongoDB code? pull the latest MongoDB image and “docker run”. Hey presto, local DB ready to go, no installation or setup required.

    Kubernetes is great because it helps you manage your containers. Define your deployment, tell it what docker image to use, then you can just scale up/down and configure autoscaling etc.

    While youre looking at Kubernetes, check out Amazon EKS. Basically AWS managed Kubernetes so you don’t even have to set it up.
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    Docker is cgroups for dummies because openvz wasn’t so popular.

    Kubernetes is container orchestrator so you install bunch of shit to pay 10x more money and lose 100x performance but you are cool because every company filled with money use it.

    And if you’re really cool and your boss is burning lots of money everyday on crap you create 1000 microservices without documentation and use bunch of ports on them and scale them with your kubernetes cluster that is using bunch of kubernetes operators and kubernetes plugins, install lots of monitoring app so you can process only one request per pod cause you’re running 10 containers in a pod which 1 is your app that takes 10MB but 9 of them are monitoring your app and take 8GB and then you change job and delete all private keys and change passwords so your previous employer can go fuck themselves and shut down business.

    And you can happily do it again.
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    Controversial opinion - docker is fantastic, easy to set up, easy to get started with, easy to integrate into builds and very useful.

    But K8s is difficult to set up, expensive to host, difficult to manage and is, in realty, completely overkill for the vast majority of applications.

    Start with docker - that's the most "bang for your buck" by far.
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