Does anybody knows if. An android app looks the same on android s8/9/10 as on A30/40 ?
I need to beta test on s8/9/10 but i dont want to buy them, so expensive. But the A series are affordable.
The samsung remote test servers never worked for me

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    My company uses browserstack for this exact thing.
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    If you're developing in Java/Kotlin, yes an no. Under specific api version, there are minor differences.

    If you want consistent look on older devices, you should use "support" libraries.

    If you're on same api version, then yes.
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    Also there are still some other basic things.

    Like using appropriate dimensions. You should prefer dp/sp over px.

    You also need to take into account, that font sizes are customizable. And additionally display scaling.

    Also screen size. You should mostly be fine with width, when using dp. For height, you may need scrolling.
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    @WildOrangutan i use androidx with java. And use all those density related stuff and ressource qualifiers etc. But the galaxy series have some sort of translucent button pannel and a quite long screen ratio very specific to them.
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    @arcsector thx for the tip gonna check this out
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    @shoop thx mate, just ordered the galaxy A40. Should do the job
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