
Hey hens I'm back on my crack.

How have you all been? Tell me what I've missed (presumably not much as you've all been locked indoors for a while now but hey ho)

I'll be handed a paper soon that says I can write code so I have that going for me (that's also where I've been for the past while)

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    *raises head of workbench and looks at the dust cloud that is @Elyz*
    I think I know you from somewhere 🧐

    Nice work on your paper, you will be official more edumacated then me soon.
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    @C0D4 hello! Long time no see. How have you been? 😊

    Lmao I did the opposite of good work on that shitty project but hey at least it'll be over soon. It's been an experience, let me tell you lol 😂
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    Hurra og tillykke! Lækkert at høre, sgu :)
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    @Flygger tak! Håber du har det godt og ikke er blevet fanget på Islands Brygge alt for mange gange på det seneste 😂
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    @Elyz Alt er vel og solen skinner, den største forskel er vel mængden af distraktioner/ad-hoc møder, distancen til kontoret og nødvendigheden af bukser :P
    Og så er det også meget fint, at der ikke er nogen dømmende øjne hvis man først "møder" omkring frokosttid :D
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    @Frederick thank you!
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    @rutee07 I am disappointed, you've had so much time to learn. Close pornhub, Google crochet tutorial and get to work 🤔👌
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    @Frederick I find it comforting in these weird times that some things always stay the same.
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    Welcome back!
    You've been missed 😊

    Also: you're officially more educated than me! Actually you probably already were because I don't have a degree at all 🤔

    Changes for me:
    I left my favorite job ever for a high-paying blah one. Still sad about that. But the 41% raise (!!!) means I can finally move out of this bloody desert! Between the sandpaper job and the Corona crazy, I'm burned out and getting depressed.

    Tried playing minecraft with @Rutee07, but time, timezone, and burnout issues make that very difficult. 😭
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    @Root aww you're too kind! Hope you've been well 😊
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    @Root I feel ya on the mixed job feels but more money is always nice, so congrats on that! Where are ya moving?
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    @Elyz Thanks!

    And for destination: I don't care. Basically anywhere is better than here.
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    @Root spread your rooty wings and fly free 🦅
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    @Elyz anything worthy of that paper puts you in a different league then I'm in, @Root is unedumacated too - the things we learn around here.

    @Jilano they put "software engineer" in my title... does that count?

    @rutee07, seriously close the porn tab... yea you know what you're doing right now 😏
    Here, follow the bots advice.
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