
Want to learn API to fetch data from Android app.

Any courses link or any tutorial link would be helpful.

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    @lmgtfy android http api call
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    @Waytopranav Have you ever considered that pursuing a developers career is maybe not the right thing for you? Because you just failed at the most basic and most important skill that you need as a developer.
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    Looking for api tutorial.
    I thought this platform was for coders.
    Just knew few boiler plate are always there.
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    @heyheni have you considered to shut your mouth ?
  • -1
    @heyheni you are just a null pointer exception you idiot.
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    @heyheni finding your way to stackoverflow?
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    @bytewind more basic, like how to find stuff on the internet on your own.
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    @bytewind how do you learn building API. @heyheni idiot you didn't get the question. What kind of lame country you are from?
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    @Waytopranav you are very aggressive and unfriendly 😐
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    @bytewind neither you are. If you scroll up a bit you would realize whats wrong. I am asking for Api and some idiots are giving a typing suggestions? This platform is for coders.. and not for crapper who suggest to google it.

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    @Waytopranav if you want people to actually help you we need more details. What API? What data? Also, if you know the answers to those two questions you can just google how to do that, or go into stack overflow.

    I recommend asking *how* to do something in Google/SO. In DevRant you should rather ask *what* to do.

    "How to do X for Y": stack overflow
    "Should I use A or B? What are the advantages of A?": DevRant
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    @Waytopranav you made me get off my phone and into the laptop. For actual coding tutorials there's other resources like stack overflow, reddit, specialised tutorial pages and so on. And as for your question, there is no universal answer which is why no one is answering you, it's like if you asked how do I do things in life. There's no answer to that. Let's talk api's... are you making an api? are you using someone else's api? does that someone else's api has documentation? have you read it?
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    @Waytopranav @M1sf3t now we are talking. Cool. Thanks
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    @bytewind you are not helping. Take care dont bother to reply.

    If so then why question Field is added in devrant.
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