So I'm currently learning Java and HTML5 at a technical high school.
Buuuut that's boring and I wanna learn more.
What's the easiest programming / scripting language to teach myself first? And where could I find stuff to learn it? :))

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    @Kendos-Kenlen Okey thanks but one thing: Are there any sources to learn more by myself? (Links, Programms, etc.)
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    Python is relative easy to learn. But I like Java for it's functionality most.
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    SoloLearn website.
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    Have you tried "the internet" ?
    It's pretty great, it has all the documentation you could ever dream of...

    Sorry for that, back to the point though, it depends on what you want to do. Try to do a project and pick the best suited languages.

    For example a website you could use php mysql html css js etc...
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    Java official documentation is awesome for learning Java. Also look up Java EE because it will never die and it looks like a lot of jobs are coming up in that sphere (at least they were earlier this year according to my linkedin).

    One thing I didn't necessarily see anyone mention that would be a good thing to learn is the fundamentals of OOP and the Big Four design patterns. Java is a good language for that.
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    @FMashiro is not far from the truth. Single most valuable skill you can pickup is the ability to aquire information. If you have to ask where I can find information about this or that you should focus on "How to find information and what is source criticism"

    There are generally four type of sources for each and every language. The official documentation, text books that cover large chunks of some subject, the howTo tutorials in fom of blogs, tutorials and videos and then there is the source of peer question and answer.

    You find these sources by searching with your preferred search engine:

    1. {{Insert language here}} documentation
    2. {{Insert language here}) for dummies, advanced, complete, whatever adjective describes your next level of advancement. Works also in youtube
    3. How do I do thing X in Insert language here. Works also in YouTube. I like udemy also.
    4. StackOverflow. Search for questions that describe your problem.
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    ... continues

    I learn by doing so for me the language project is imperative. Set a small goal and hack a solution. Then refine it meet the standard.

    If you have access to an expert, that is the best way to learn. But first learn the basics so you have a grasp. It is quite painful to teach someone from 0 if they don't put in the effort. That is what school offers.

    Also I would suggest that instead of jumping to another language take something that supports your studies. Do an Android app. The basic ones are easy, it's Java and you get the gratification that you don't get that often as a newbie in programming.

    Sorry for the wall
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    I would suggest JavaScript. And taking the time to learn it properly.

    One good book off the top of my head:

    JavaScript Allongé six edition

    Google it, you can read it online for free.
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    If easy is what you're looking for, Python is the way to go. Good luck!
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    If you have the time to invest you can check freecodecamp.com
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