Just wrote an article about how to code this with CSS. I'm new to writing stuff. Would love to hear what you guys think

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    Where can we see the article?
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    @kamen oh shit. My dumb ass brain forgot to give the link

    Here you go

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    @kamen thanks for pointing that out
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    I'm horrible at CSS :(
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    @Xoka everybody once was, most are still.
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    @devGaara have you tried to also round-corner the badge on the left side ?
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    @dder @Xoka I'm too.. lot of stuff to learn
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    Very nice!
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    @FelisPhasma thank you :D
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    Looks good. Wouldn't a element for the badge/ribbony thing be a better solution? In that scenario the content of the ribbon isn't stored in your stylesheet, which might be a problem when having different types.
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    @gyzoor oh ya.. I should have thought that through. My bad 😅
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    @gyzoor after can just be replaced with a span
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    So I really liked the article. It would be helpful to have the code fragments in the text highlighted differently than bold. But I still enjoyed the article. Its one way to achieve the card 👌🏼
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    @Flamestro thank you! And I'll keep the suggestion in mind
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    It has been long time since I write css. I wanted to challenge myself and tried to create that card just by looking the picture you posted. Here is my result:

    I used a different approach. I used borders to create little triangle.
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    And by looking at the code you write, I think you can make css classes prettier. You can use "header" instead of "card__header" which makes css selectors better like ".card .header" instead of ".card .card__header"
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    @hack damn! This is so cool! Thanks for reaching me a new trick!
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    @hack I like to follow BEM conventions. I usually use scss pre-processor. I did not wanna have to explain what that is in the same post. That's why I wrote
    .card .card__header.


    This is how I usually write
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    @devGaara yeah I see now. Didn't know about BEM convention. Looked it up a little bit. I guess its not for me :/

    I prefer:

    .card {
    .header {
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    @hack understandable
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    @24th-Dragon awesome! I did not know about attr(). Thank you!
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    @24th-Dragon y ?
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    @24th-Dragon fair. Especially about the interactivity. But I thought css scales well as well...

    I also don’t like the usage of text in ::before.content
    You cannot select and copy that text.
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    @24th-Dragon Hey bro, I was updating the article and I wanted to give credits for suggesting the change. What do write your name as?
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    @24th-Dragon aight, cool!
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