

Any Xamarin devs here? I wanna learn Xamarin but couldn't find any good books or tutorials. Any suggestions? And are there any special requirements to learn Xamarin other than C#?

P.S. I'm learning UWP development now. And you can still call me a noob.

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    Xamarin uni is worth it get you the basics - im a use xamarin daily at my current job and its like most things use it enough you get to grips with it fast enough
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    @azuredivay There is a Beginner course in MVA, and I completed it but it was not very helpful.
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    @wildgoosecsharp Xamarin university isn't free right?
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    Nah but its worth it - theres tons of videos hidden on the net though.

    Hmu if i can help i guess i dont mind.
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    @wildgoosecsharp Thank You, but I guess I won't be able to buy a subscription because Credit Cards (or PayPal) are not very popular in our country. I think I should contact our MVPs and see if they can help. And as you don't mind maybe I will ask for some help from you in future. Thank You again. 🙂
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    @divil I am familiar with C# but I'm trying to learn and practise more. Thanks though!
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