
When the CEO sends an email "start working on the project ASAP" all the METHODOLOGIES GO DOWN THE TOILET..... fuck you , you ignorant son of a bitch

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    So what would happen if that project was for a major client and would cause all sorts of financial troubles for the company if the deadline was missed? If you think someone telling you that your priorities need to be reevaluated causes all your dev methodologies to get thrown out the window, you may want to consider your "methodologies" or how you implement them instead.
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    @wbuchanan it's not just about changing priority, he's expecting other work to remain on schedule !!!! About reducing test cycles from 5-6 cycles to only 1 or 2 ... no proper preparations to proper requirements gathering , communication with the client at it's minimum ... recipe for client happiness right ?!
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    Welcome to devRant! this might not end well. Keep the emails in case the CEO 'does not recall' his bad advice when issues arise. Good luck!
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    @Hamada I work in the public sector. For me this is called just another day. So while I empathize with your position, I think your managers need to do a better job of managing expectations.
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    I once couldn't get through to one of our senior managers... i called him into a meeting room and asked for his tie. He obliged...

    I wrapped it around the leg of the table and said to him... the left part is your current project, the right part is your new project... pull one one and see what happens.

    As he did I could see the penny drop and he stormed off... I thought for sure HR was going to have my hide...

    Now this guy is one of our best supporters and he always come chat about priorities before mouthing off...

    (Not all our projects are agile because of ownership... but he's getting there)
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