Chrome be using 1.5 GB of RAM today... for 1 tab!

  • 1
    Don't worry, it isn't actually using that much RAM. It is just anxious about not getting enough enough when you actually start browsing.
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    That is what chrome tabs call a "salad"
  • 3
    - 12 processors
    - 1020MB of Ram being used.

    - 500MB is Jira ( 2 tabs )
    - 200MB is Salesforce ( 2 tabs )
    - 40MB is Ublock Origin

    I can't blame chrome for JS heavy websites and extensions.
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    Axosoft uses upwards of 1.2GB of RAM for its tab alone when open for more than a few hours, regardless of browser. 😑
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    Sure, if you're fucking mining Etherium or some shit with JS in browser.
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    Yeah my Chromium install uses about 1-1,5gb with only one tab as well and has been doing this for a few years now.

    I hardly use Chromium (Firefox ftw) but it's rather annoying.
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    There are valid reasons it uses so much ram
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    Welcome to the new amazing Facebook UI !
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    @molaram Chrome splits every tab and extension into its own process, so if one thing crashes, it doesn’t bring down the whole web page or all of your open tabs at once. This is a lot more convenient for you, but it can lead to higher memory use since Chrome has to duplicate some tasks for every tab.
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