Happy Halloween everyone!

Anyone got any spooky dev stories?

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    I had to use a windows #toospooky
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    I pressed ctrl-z on a new IDE that has no redo.
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    I came to work today and everyone was in a scary costume! :-/

    They were all dressed as Basic.
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    I see people using DreamViewer
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    Programming in a language long forgotten with no internet help whatsoever.
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    One time, there was this guy, who always thought it was a good idea to deploy on Friday @ 16:00
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    One night, Jill was babysitting for her neighbours, just to earn a little extra cash.
    Kids were asleep, parents weren't due for a couple of hours, so she got out her laptop, and continued coding a personal project.
    After committing and pushing a few changes, she noticed there was a new branch she'd not seen.
    "Strange," she muttered to herself. She wasn't sharing this repo with anyone, but maybe she made a feature branch and forgot about it.
    As she was checking out the branch, she noticed a few commits being pushed to it live. The latest commit message was, "I know what you did last summer of code."
    She freaked out, and looked at everything to do with the branch, and all of the commits. Username was WinCE, and all of the messages were threats to include platform specific code.
    She heard the creak of a chair from the office. Her heart pounding, she went into the office, saw the PC on, a new set of changes ready to commit.
    The commits were coming from inside the house.
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    Lost two weeks of work because windows crashed. Didn't know git back then. Even worse, it was an internship project.
    Learnt to never trust windows, use git always and backup important stuff.
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    @Portugueasey Utterly cheesy but kudos to actually using horror tropes!
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    @nmunro thought it was better than another one about Windows being the nightmare. Washed to add a few more tried, make it cheesier, and add more geeky detail, but 1000 characters just want quite enough. I went over the limit like 6 times.
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    @Portugueasey: From the brilliant "If Hemingway wrote JavaScript"!
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    I use SVN
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