
When shall ye use a framework or when ye shall code all it self?

That's a question I shall ask all ty devRanters for ye who has the knowledge of programming would be kind to share to all others.

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    Use a framework if it helps you achieve a goal quicker and doesn't affect the user experience. Don't if it creates difficulties or setting it up takes longer than building from scratch.
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    Dont use a framework if you are only going to use one damn method from it (source: current project)
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    Really taking the advantages of a framework needs time, as most are quite complex and need some hours to weeks to learn. If you do, you cam accomplish a lot faster while writing better code (in theory). On the other hand writing everything by hand gives you a better understanding of whats going on under the hood. I'd recommend choosing one framework and sticking to it helps getting projects done, but for personal side projects, creating everything yourself and learning from the mistakes and problems helps you to become a better dev and makes working with frameworks easier. You still need to understand a lot about software architecture and patterns tho...
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